Take my hand

From the West – March 2019


As we are preparing for our next degree. Fellowcraft, I read this message sent by a friend and brother who comes from half way around the world. It reminded me of my introduction to Freemasonry. Does it the same for you?

When I was a young man, a long time ago,
The secrets of Masonry I wanted to know.
Of a Mason I asked what those secrets might be.
He replied, “First, we talk, then we will see.”

A petition he granted and ordered it filled
To be read at a meeting and a judgment be willed.
Then questions I answered about God and home;
Of habits and friends; a wife or alone.

In time I was summoned – a date to appear
Before an assembly of men gathered near.
I entered the building and looked up the stair;
Does pleasure or pain await me up there?

A hazing by paddle, taunting by joke?
My petition accepted or maybe revoked?
Introductions and handshakes welcomed me there
And lessons symbolic, an aid to prepare

For a journey in darkness, a predestined plight
To a Holy of Holies, the source of all light.
How well I remember what I heard someone say,
To enter God’s Kingdom there is but one way;

Be ye naked and blind, penniless and poor;
These you must suffer ‘fore entering that door.
The journey ahead is not yours to know,
But trust in your God wherever you go.

Then assurance from the darkness whispered tenderly,
“My Friend, be not afraid; TAKE MY HAND; FOLLOW ME.”

by Sir Knight Alvin F. Bohne, P.M

Come and join us this month as we plan for the celebration of our 150th Anniversary, just three months from now. If you need a ride give me a call and we will find one.

Warren Burkholder, SW