WB Dave Munson

Past Master’s Message

Here it is another New Year and our Lodge’s 150th anniversary. I trust that you all have had a very warm and pleasant holiday season. My family and I had a very enjoyable Christmas and my wife and I spent a relaxing day of doing nothing on this first day of 2019.

If you missed the St John’s day celebration, you missed an excellent dinner and a first rate presentation on St John’s Day. One of the best features of the evening was the wonderful crowd we had in attendance. It was very similar to our last Stated of the year, which as in the past was accentuated by the Dickens Carolers. December was very busy and the annual Christmas party was a great deal of fun full of the Christmas spirit. The spirit was assisted by the Carolers from Franklin High School, Santa Claus and of course the main attraction was the children running about the Lodge as children will do.

I would like to thank everyone for all the help they gave me and the Officers during this past year and look forward to seeing you during this New Year. Worshipful Brother Harris has put forth some great ideas for this year and will be very busy getting ready for our Anniversary Celebration.

Thanks Again,
Dave Munson, PM