Mason's Wife

From the West – January 2019


We need to pay “Wages” to the Officers of 2018 for a job well done. I wish to make this payment to the whole rather than a list of individuals. It was their work supporting each other that was important not that John did this, David did that, Brian was here, Lynn was there, you should have Dennis, Dick, Gary, Jim, Larry and Don. This sounds a little like the Night Before Christmas and naming all of the reindeer. Now that you mention it, the metaphor is just right.

We must not forget the wives that have been so gracious to allow this activity.

hat have been so gracious to allow this activity.

A MASON’S WIFE by Robert Pinkerton

From active Masons, resolute,
Our wives and families we salute;
We surely know the price you pay,
Who sit alone while we’re away.

No high degrees on you conferred,
In Lodge, your name is seldom heard;
You serve our cause though out of sight,
While sitting home alone tonight.

Masonic papers list our names,
Awards are given, fit to frame;
But yours is absent…you who strive,
To keep our fortitude alive.

You’re part of every helpful deed,
On your encouragement we feed;
Without your blessings, how could we,
Continue acts of charity?

And so, this poem, we dedicate,
To every Master Mason’s mate;
And offer our undying love,
Rewards await in Heaven above.

This year the Lodge will be celebrating our 150th Anniversary. Put the date, June 22nd on your calendar right now lest you forget. I look forward to our next meet.

Warren Burkholder, SW