
It’s 148 Years Old—What’s Next?

You look at the history of Washington Lodge and what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Your possible answer would be its still in operation after all these years. Its still here because we have something to offer our members; it’s still here because of our ongoing commitment to the community and the charities that we hold dear.

Brethren, it’s still here because of people like you who have supported our mission for over 148 years. It’s getting close to that 150-year mark and we need to make the year 2019 for this lodge very special. That takes a lot of work and a committee of officers has already been formed to work on this special celebration. If you, the members have any special ideas or would like to help in this endeavor please let us know. We welcome your help & suggestions.

Your new officers for this year look forward to the many challenges that will confront us and are excited at the prospect of others joining our mission. Our Master this year WB Dave Munson has stepped up to the plate to guide us through 2018. Wardens Dennis Harris & Brian Reichhoff are ready to assume leadership roles in advancing the goals that all the officers have put forth. This will be a special year for the lodge and I hope that you can join us for the many special events that we have planned.